Hi brothers and sisters... Have you ever stumbled upon a conversation like this?
"What a coincidence that I meet you here..." or"We wear the same clothes! What a coincidence" etc
But is it really a coincidence?? Okay,, let's think about it again.
For the 1st example,, even though we live in a small town or city but still there are a lot of places to go,, yet we go to an exactly same place as them (what a small world afterall). What makes us *that moment* have a same thought as them?
The 2nd one,, we have more than 10 clothes in the closet right? (some girls even have much more than that *wink*). But why when we choose our clothes to wear *that moment* we choose the exact same clothes as them?
Sometimes it doesn't make sense right? It is,, because it's not a coincidence after all. If we re-think about this thing,, it all happened because Allah had arrange it for us,, Allah want it to be happened to a person,, in that moment and in that place..
Even some scientist try to prove about this "coincidence things" too. Like when we roll a rock,, it will eventually stop after sometime and somewhere. It's not a coincidence too init? It all have something to do with the rock's weight,, gravity,, speed,, etc..
See? You know what i'm saying? (sorry i'm not too good at describing things)
When we keep thinking deep about this small matter,, we'll know that it's not that small after all. Everything in this what we called "coincidence" proses is much more complicated. This is one of many many proof that Allah is Al-Mutakabbir (The Greatest) and Al-Khaliq (The Creator). How can Allah make something that so complex and complicated,, happened just right in front off our eyes. Allahu Akbar!
But we can't always explain something in detail like example in above,, there's time when we just have to accept and believe that it happen because Allah want it to be happen. Because we don't have the knowledge to understand it,, Allah's knowledge is so huge and so hard for us a human being to understand it. Our brain capacity is too small to absorb all.
It's called faith. Faith took a big role when we just can't understand or describe something that we don't no,, or do not know yet. So never lose it.. May Allah yaa Wahhab gives us a knowledge to understand things and guide us all to Truth and the straight path.. Amin..
Now,, after we know that we know only a dust of Allah's knowledge why we still arrogant and feel superior?
ask yourself
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